Second Coming Podcast

Signs Podcast

The Signs Podcast is a special production designed to help members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (and anyone else who wants to) prepare for and study the events surrounding the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Each episode will focus on a common question concerning the signs of the times.

Although not an official production of the Church, and even though the opinions expressed are not offically sanctioned by the Church, this podcast is completely supportive and in no way critical of Church doctrine, teaching, scripture, or leadership. We are faithful members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints trying to help other faithful Christians learn more about Jesus Christ.

Although podcasts are fantastic ways to learn and grow, it is helpful to have scripture references, quotes, and supplemental materials available for each episode to expand on concepts and add context to the discussion. We have attempted to provide helpful study materials for each episode below.

Episode 1 - When is the Second Coming?

Episode 2 - What are the seven seals?

Episode 3 - What signs have already happened?

Episode 4 - What signs have already happened? (2020 Edition)

Episode 5 - What will happen in Adam-ondi-Ahman? (part 1)

Episode 6 - What will happen in Adam-ondi-Ahman? (part 2)

Episode 7 - What will happen in New Jerusalem?

Episode 8 - What is the silence in heaven?

Episode 9 - Where are the lost ten tribes?

Coming Soon

Episode 10 - Who are the seven angels?